AribaGold Blog

Runescape's Rollercoaster of Activity!


Oct 18, 2021

When we were all young kids, Runescape was a game many people knew. It brought family relationships and friends closer together even without physical interaction. Countless hours spent grinding this game, competing with each other over skill levels, defeating bosses together and even just bank standing and talking to your friends or strangers for hours! Everyone remembers the times running home after school forgetting everything and jumping straight onto the computer and checking that friends list to see who is online. If you check it today, it’s a ghost town. 0 people online. Possibly 1 if you’re lucky.

As we grow up, you begin to focus on other things and set your priorities. The player base of Runescape began to fade away. Many people quit, most likely you too, whoever is reading this. Majority of the player base was greatly affected due to the Evolution of Combat update which was introduced in the year of 2012. This update consisted of changes to the combat system, which at the time, many people did not like, causing them to quit the game. This update did not necessarily mean the combat system was “bad”. It was only a different approach to Runescape’s combat and people did not like big changes like this.

In the year of 2013, Old School Runescape was released following a vote with a large number of participants. 449,351 votes were recorded. This is almost 5 times the average number of players currently online today! This new 2007 style release brought back many people to the game. Runescape was now a popular game once again. The nostalgia filled up within people, they were back to spending countless hours as they once did years back.

Real world trading was also a part of the game externally allowing players to buy and sell gold on websites. This was a huge essence of the Runescape. People were earning full time job wages through selling gold, kids who were ranked on gambling clans were making as much as their parents, gambling owners were making hundreds of thousands of dollars through real world trades. Overall, this made playing the game a very beneficial experience as well as fun and enjoyable. Making money from a game designed for children without having to make risky investments is a dream come true and will always be remembered.

New players are joining every single day to Runescape and they may feel inferior or may think there is no point in playing when they look around and see maxed players with the highest level of gear walking around. They may not want to spend hundreds, possibly thousands of hours grinding away trying to catch up to everyone else in the game. Well they do not have to as they have the opportunity to buy cheap gold from Ariba Gold today! Jump straight into the Runescape action. Tag along with your friends bossing in max gear fast without having to grind for the cash. Don’t waste your time, go grab that RSGP!

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