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Ultimate 1-99 Fletching Guide Fastest and Cheapest


Today I will be teaching you the fastest and cheapest methods to achieve 99 fletching!

Fletching has always been known as an extremely fast skill. In fact, it has the fastest 99 achieved to date. Taking only a whopping 3 hours to achieve 99 on a brand new account! This amazing accomplishment was achieved using darts! Let us break down how this was done. Windows mouse keys are a part of almost every single windows system. They are used by many Runescape players to make skilling faster. By configuring the mouse keys, you are able to press a button on your keyboard and it will go to a place on your screen. Being able to use these efficiently, we are able to achieve extremely high experience rates.

Let us start with the fastest method to achieve 99 fletching!

Keep in mind that this guide assumes that you have no quests completed and have membership.

Fastest Method

Levels 1-10 Bronze Arrows

These are created by using bronze arrow tips on headless arrows

Levels 10-22 Bronze Darts

These are created by using bronze dart tips on feathers

Levels 22-37 Iron Darts

These are created by using iron dart tips on feathers

Levels 37-52 Steel Darts

These are created by using steel dart tips on feathers

Levels 52-67 Mithril Darts

These are created by using mithril dart tips on feathers

Levels 67-81 Adamant Darts

These are created by using adamant dart tips on feathers

Levels 81-95 Rune Darts

These are created by using rune dart tips on feathers

Levels 95-99 Dragon Darts

These are created by using dragon dart tips on feathers

Cheapest Method

As you probably noticed, darts are the fastest way to go. Using windows mouse keys, you are able to achieve extremely high experience rates. Although this is the fastest method, it is extremely expensive. It can cost you up to 1 billion OSRS GP. You will have to buy osrs gold in order to be able to achieve this 99.

Now comes the cheapest method! Fletching doesn't have to cost you 1 billion GP, you can actually achieve profit in your quest for 99 fletchings! Although significantly slower, there are just some players who aren't able to pay 1 billion GP for a 99.

Levels 1-10 Arrow Shafts

Starting at level 1, you should create arrow shafts until level 10, although you unlock shortbows at level 5, they give the same amount of experience so it is recommended to fletch these until level 10. Reaching this level requires 388 experience, meaning you need to fletch 78 logs into Arrow Shafts.

Levels 10-20 Longbows

Once you hit level 10, you will switch to fletching longbows. They require regular logs and are fairly AFK. Reaching this level requires 3,316 experience, meaning you need to fletch 332 logs into Longbows.

Levels 20-25 Oak Shortbows

Now that you’re level 25, you can start fletching Oak shortbows. Throughout this guide, you will be fletching shortbows for a short time until you are able to fletch longbows as they are a lot faster experience. Reaching this level requires 4,082 experience, meaning you need to fletch 205 logs into Shortbows.

Levels 25-35 Oak Longbows

Switch to Oak longbows as soon as possible as they are quicker experience.  Reaching this level requires 14,564 experience, meaning you need to fletch 583 logs into Longbows.

Levels 35-40 Willow Shortbows

You have now unlocked Willow tier items, switch to Willow shortbows. Reaching this level requires 14,818 experience, meaning you need to fletch 446 logs into Shortbows.

Levels 40-50 Willow Longbows

You are probably seeing a pattern, fletching follows a very similar pattern with not much switching of methods. Reaching this level requires 64,109 experience, meaning you need to fletch 1,545 logs into Longbows.

Levels 50-55 Maple Shortbows

You can now fletch Maple items. Reaching this level requires 65,303 experience, meaning you need to fletch 1,307 logs into Shortbows.

Levels 55-65 Maple Longbows

You can now fletch Maple longbows, so do it! Reaching this level requires 64,109 experience, meaning you need to fletch 1,545 logs into Longbows

Levels 65-70 Yew Shortbows

You can now fletch Yew items. Reaching this level requires 288,199 experience, meaning you need to fletch 4,270 logs into Shortbows.

Levels 70-80 Yew Longbows

You can fletch Yew longbows, these provide a decent profit and are a viable method to reaching 99. Reaching this level requires 1,248,441 experience, meaning you need to fletch 16,646 logs into Longbows.

Levels 80-85 Magic Shortbows

Finally, you can fletch magic items! Fletch Magic shortbows for 5 levels and guess what comes next! Reaching this level requires 1,272,526 experience, meaning you need to fletch 15,277 logs into Shortbows.

Levels 85-99 Magic Longbows

You guessed it! Magic longbows are the next and final method to reach 99 fletching! You should also be stringing these as that increases your experience rates and provides a hefty profit!

Well, that is it for the 99 Fletching guide! Make sure to check out all the other blogs and buy osrs gold for the best prices at

Have a great day and we hope to see you again!

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